Classical Ballet

Anyone who is interested in classical ballet Vaganova method (russian style) is in the right place at the ballet school E. Abramova. In various levels ballet elements are learned and physical fitness is trained. Whether for beginners or advanced - whether for boys or girls - whether for young or old - at the ballet school E. Abramova you will find the right level.

Creative Ballet

For newbies and beginners
(4-6 years old)
      Pre Ballet

For children with basic ballet knowledge
(5-8 years old)

For children and teenagers with good ballet knowledge
(7-18 years old)

At this level, the fine and gross motor skills are artistically and playfully trained. The focus is on movement and improvisation games, as well as the learning of basic dance motion and concepts. The children learn to consciously perceive their body. They develop fun and enjoyment of physical expression. Muscles are strengthened and posture and rhythm are skilled to the music.

In the pre-ballet the children learn the first basic knowledge of classical dance. The first complex sequences of movements stimulate and encourage the child's cognitive learning process. Concentration improves and improvisation exercises stimulate and strengthen the child's imagination. The lessons are designed with various jumping exercises and barre exercises to ensure proper placement.

In this level, the basics of classical dance should already be known. The musicality and coordination is promoted. Various choreographies and exercises in the middle help to develop the imagination and a sense of movement and dynamics. The subdivision into different performance levels guarantees a precise dance-technical structure as well as an optimal learning process of the children. The dance movement sequences and poses are constantly becoming more complex.


Interested in a free trial lesson?

Then simply contact us under the contact form.

Our dance school is open to all dancing enthusiasts!